John Emmons Statement on House Impeachment Vote
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
West Grove, PA – Today John Emmons, candidate for Pennsylvania’s Sixth Congressional District, issued the following statement regarding the House impeachment vote this evening:
“The impeachment of a duly-elected President of the United States is something to be undertaken under the most extreme circumstances. Since before President Trump was even sworn into office, Democrats have been advocating for impeachment. The first articles of impeachment were drafted in 2017, just a few months into the president’s administration. Today, the Democrats finally voted for two articles of impeachment that include no crime, let alone anything approaching a ‘high crime and misdemeanor.’ Today, the Democrats have made a mockery of a grave Constitutional responsibility.
“When Chrissy Houlahan ran for Congress in 2018, she promised the voters that she would be different. Her campaign ads bemoaned the ‘anger and partisanship’ in Washington. She proclaimed herself to be a moderate voice. Over the past two months, she has revealed herself to be just another partisan Democrat, taking a role as a ‘leader on impeachment’ according to CNN.
“This is a sad day for America. It is a sad day for the voters of the 6th Congressional District who trusted Chrissy Houlahan to live up to her campaign promises. In the end, she turned out to be just another vote for Nancy Pelosi. Chrissy Houlahan needs to be defeated next November. That is what I intend to do.”